Learn about our Community Outreach


On February 5, 2022, at 1 pm in the fellowship hall of the church, there will be an opportunity to help pack 200 lunch bags for the Stan Bagley/Warm Nights program using the items we have received from the collection day. If you can participate, please call the church office.


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A big thank you to all of the volunteers who came out on Suaturday, August 15, for the Community Shred Day!! The Arch of Knowledge,Inc., the Camp Springs Civic Association, and The Denney House Inc. showed up and showed off the love of God and the love of their community, by accepting canned good donations for the local food pantries, in exchange for the community's old documents that they brought to be shredded with the on-site shred truck. God bless the work you all are doing in the community thank you for letting us take part in this event!




The Warm Nights' Program Coat Drive was a success because of you! We donated 58 coats both "gently-worn" and brand new in all sizes and shapes. Your continuous generosity to this program is so very appreciated. Thanks to our partners including Bethany Christian Church, Pilates Plus Wellness Center, The Hair Company and, of course, the folks at First Baptist Church!

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Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry. FBCCS is partnered with Indian Queen Elementary school in Fort Washington, Maryland. During the 2017-18 school year, we provided over 1,650 backpacks filled with nutritious food (and the occasional treat!) for these students and their families. We are continuing our efforts this year and would love your help!


Warm Nights Hypothermia Program

FBCCS partners with P.G. County Social Services, Community Crisis Services, and local churches to provide overnight shelter to individuals needing to escape the cold temperatures.  At the core of Warm Nights is giving individuals experiencing homelessness a safe place to sleep, two hot meals (dinner and breakfast), and a bagged lunch. But we provide so much more than that: Haircuts, homework help for our school-age clients, toiletries, seated yoga, opportunities to bathe and launder clothing, make-your-own-ice-cream-sundaes night, and, most importantly, fellowship. FBCCS has been participating in Warm Nights for almost two decades.

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Grief Support

Grief touches every life.   And sometimes handling grief can be difficult.  Even understanding grief can be daunting.  What some have called this “wilderness of grief” can be a frightening, frustrating experience and full of challenges. 

But you do not have to negotiate your own wilderness journey alone.  Help is available.

Beginning in 2016, Pastor Tiefel has offered a Grief Support-Group Forum here at First Baptist Church.  It is open to anyone. You do not have to be a church member to participate. 

Pastor Tiefel has been involved with Grief Support and Bereavement Support groups through the Charles County Hospice House for the last eight years.  With the loss of his wife in 2010, Pastor Tiefel began walking through his own grief wilderness.  He learned that grief is real and it hurts.  He learned that one does not get over grief as some would believe, but one can learn to live with it. 

If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, family member, or close friend and are experiencing emotional pain, mental anguish, confusion as to what to do, wondering if these feelings and this hurt will ever stop, please give a call to the church office, who may be able to help you along your way.

Support groups convened as needed for 4 to 8 participants at a time.   If you are interested in such a group or if you have questions about a group, call and talk with Pastor Tiefel.